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(+1) 305 424 8277



(+52) 984 807 8882


Please allow 1-2 business days to process your inquiry. If you do not receive a response email within 48hrs please check your Spam or Bulk E-Mail folder just in case our email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the confirmation message and mark it Not Spam, which should allow future messages to get through.

    "Do your research! After sorting through a number of American based wedding planners, I had to ask myself what sense it made for me to hire "Cheryl" from the Midwest to plan my Mexican wedding. It also says a lot when you ask to divert from their cookie cutter ceremonies, and they shoot you down. I wanted something more laid back, I wanted to make sure the food was fresh, and locally inspired... I also wanted churros, an amazing tres leches, a flexible food schedule, and karaoke. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. She then surprised me with someone making fresh made tortillas at our wedding for my menu, which my guest's loved. I was also concerned about my guest's experience before and after the wedding to make the most out of their short stay, and make them fall in love with Mexico. She helped plan (and alter) the most epic day trip to Chichen Itza, to the most beautiful Cenote (or place) I've ever seen, followed by a tequila distillery tour, as well as a private brunch post wedding cooked at our venue with paella and sangria. Did I mention she brought surprise basket tacos for breakfast prior to our trip to have after the COVID-19 tests she scheduled to take place at the wedding venue so not to inconvenience our guests?! Never did Maryta tell me no, and despite not ever having certain things I requested in weddings prior, she made it happen. She loves what she does, which makes all the difference. My guests deemed it --the best wedding ever--. Guys... She is the freaking best and deserves all the business in the world. Hire local. Hire her."


    contact us


    (+1) 305 424 8277



    (+52) 984 807 8882



    Say Hi to Your Planner

      Please allow 1-2 business days to process your inquiry. If you do not receive a response email within 48hrs please check your Spam or Bulk E-Mail folder just in case our email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the confirmation message and mark it Not Spam, which should allow future messages to get through.

      "Do your research! After sorting through a number of American based wedding planners, I had to ask myself what sense it made for me to hire "Cheryl" from the Midwest to plan my Mexican wedding. It also says a lot when you ask to divert from their cookie cutter ceremonies, and they shoot you down. I wanted something more laid back, I wanted to make sure the food was fresh, and locally inspired... I also wanted churros, an amazing tres leches, a flexible food schedule, and karaoke. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. She then surprised me with someone making fresh made tortillas at our wedding for my menu, which my guest's loved. I was also concerned about my guest's experience before and after the wedding to make the most out of their short stay, and make them fall in love with Mexico. She helped plan (and alter) the most epic day trip to Chichen Itza, to the most beautiful Cenote (or place) I've ever seen, followed by a tequila distillery tour, as well as a private brunch post wedding cooked at our venue with paella and sangria. Did I mention she brought surprise basket tacos for breakfast prior to our trip to have after the COVID-19 tests she scheduled to take place at the wedding venue so not to inconvenience our guests?! Never did Maryta tell me no, and despite not ever having certain things I requested in weddings prior, she made it happen. She loves what she does, which makes all the difference. My guests deemed it --the best wedding ever--. Guys... She is the freaking best and deserves all the business in the world. Hire local. Hire her."
